All heat and no light Fahrenheit 9/11 is a work of propaganda. Like all such work, it radiates contempt for its audience. Michael Moore addresses his viewers not as citizens seeking to deliberate on the state of the American republic, but as dogs to be trained in a Pavlovian manner. Propaganda is always polemical, but not all polemics are propaganda. Fahrenheit 9/11 qualifies not because it is one-sided but because it subordinates truth to politics. The genre of polemic neither requires nor excuses that subordination; yet such subordination defines Moore's film. Full text here. |
Fahrenheit 9/11: The Real Lowdown Agitprop, by any other name, is still agitprop. Even our heartiest approval of a refreshingly candid viewpoint within this dubious medium doesn't change that fact. But so what? In the trumped-up second Gulf war, didn't the mainstream U.S. media, as anchorman Dan Rather admitted with the saving grace of traces of shame, operate, as if by a tap of a wicked witch's wand, as an enormous fawning agitprop apparatus for the Bush White House? Agitprop is what every government assiduously churns out every day in calculated streams of tactical news bites, although the purveyors usually give it a suitably anodyne label, such as 'public information.' (...) Agitprop is customarily dismissed as politically skewed messages wrapped in the guise of art or news reporting. Yet the redoubtable Michael Moore, after a mercifully brief dalliance with presidential candidate and former NATO commander Wesley Clarke, owes no special party allegiances and loudly tells anyone who wants to know that his cunningly corrosive and hundred million dollar grossing Fahrenheit 9/11 is damned well intended to capsize (if not abet the impeachments of) the floundering Bush administration. Full text here. Ma il film denuncia di Moore conquista solo gli anti-Bush (...) Moore nel film afferma che all'indomani degli attentati, con i cieli americani totalmente chiusi, la Casa Bianca autorizzò il decollo di sei voli privati con i quali 142 cittadini sauditi, tra i quali diversi membri della famiglia di Bin Laden, lasciarono gli Stati Uniti senza subire alcun controllo di polizia. Del resto Moore non pretende di aver confezionato un documentario giornalisticamente oggettivo: « Il mio - spiega alle reti televisive che lo hanno intervistato a ripetizione - è un op-ed , un editoriale nel quale racconto con le immagini il mio punto di vista su questo presidente». Full text here. L'avis de la presse française
Les Cahiers du cinéma - Emmanuel Burdeau Le Monde - Jean-Louis Douin Le Figaro - La Rédaction Las bromas del tío Bush "Fahrenheit 9/11", en alusión, según Moore, a la temperatura a la que arde la democracia, es un documental torrencial en el que su autor sigue utilizando los mismos recursos que en su anterior película, la muy celebrada Bowling for Columbine: su propia persona como narrador, provocador y manipulador, una prolija documentación, un histriónico sentido del humor y, sobre todo, no hay que olvidarlo, un montaje portentoso que logra ordenar y hacer digerible un auténtico océano de información. Texto completo. |
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