publica breves estractos de algunas críticas cinematográficas, en los que salta a la vista el contraste entre lo que algunos dicen (y el modo de decirlo) cuando escriben sobre "The Passion of the Christ" y sobre "Fahrenheit 9/11." Esto es un breve elenco de esa selección:
>> A.O. Scott, The New York Times "F 9/11": "Mr. Moore's populist instincts have never been sharper ... he is a credit to the republic." >> Michael Wilmington, Chicago Tribune "F 9/11": "Received both the first prize and the longest continuous standing ovation in the history of the Cannes Film Festival, and it wasn't because of some cliched French antipathy to America." >> Ty Burr, Boston Globe "F 9/11": "Should be seen because it takes off the gloves and wades into the fray, because it synthesizes the anti-Bush argument like no other work before it, and because it forces you to decide for yourself exactly where passion starts to warp point of view." >> Jami Bernard, NY Daily News "F9/11": I was in tears after first seeing "Fahrenheit" at Cannes. >> Eric Lurio, Greenwich Village Gazette "F9/11": Every Independent voter should see this movie and vote for Kerry |