El tsunami ha dejado a casi todo el mundo sobrecogido, intimidado. Es cierto que hay imágenes y millones de palabras, en la red, pero también es cierto que faltan palabras para hacer justicia a la magnitud de la devastación que poco a poco se nos desvela. Y falta tiempo para ayudar.
>> José Luis Orihuela aporta con eficiencia ejemplar direcciones de blogs para estar, dia a dia, al tanto de los datos sobre la catástrofe.
>> William Rees-Mogg ha planteado en The Times un aspecto polémico de la relación poco armónica entre la naturaleza y nuestra cultura y civilización: "Humbled by nature's power. The great wave demonstrated an ancient truth. Now all that we can do is offer to help",
It is ironic that the poor of the earth have taken the brunt of the suffering. No doubt there were many very wealthy people among the tourists, but the tourists have still had their houses to return to, if they survived the tsunami itself (...) The proud have had a lesson, but at the expense of the humble people of the earth. Nature can be a brutal moralist.
>> Mick Hume responde en clave política a este planteamiento, en Sp!ked: "After the tsunami: horrifying, but not 'humbling'. Some have sought to ride the tidal wave as the vehicle for their pet political messages."
When such a disaster as the South Asian earthquake and tsunami strikes, there is nothing much that can usefully be said. All that we can do is identify the cause (apparently straightforward enough in this case), express our horror and condolences, send emergency aid and do whatever is necessary to help the shattered communities rebuild.
>> Mientras tanto, la solidaridad internacional, se vuelca para paliar los daños y prevenir sus inevitables secuelas.
"The enormity of the disaster is unbelievable," said Bekele Geleta, head of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) in Southeast Asia.
>> La voz del Papa Juan Pablo II, además de sumarse en la ayuda y el afecto para las víctimas del desastre de la naturaleza en aquellos (pobres y al tiempo lujosos) lugares, y urgir a todo el mundo a hacer todo lo posible, pide a los creyentes y personas de buena voluntad oraciones por los vivos y difuntos:
The international community and many humanitarian organizations have come together quickly to lend help. Numerous charitable institutions of the Church are doing the same. In the Christmas spirit of these days, I invite all believers of good will to generously contribute to this great work of solidarity with the peoples, subject to such a harsh trial and exposed to the danger of disease. I am by their side through my prayer and affection, especially those who are injured and homeless, while I entrust the innumerable victims who lost their life to the divine mercy.
En este sentido, siempre podemos decir y hacer más, además de todo lo que a primera vista nos parece que se puede decir y hacer.
Las palabras que nos faltan para hablar y socorrer tras esta devastación son también palabras de oración, incluso en silencio. Como las oraciones de Kusol Wetchakul por el alma de su hermana, muerta mientras trabajaba como vendedora ambulante en la playa de Khao Lak (Photo by David Longstreath, AP, en washingtonpost.com).
>> Avvenire (02 gennaio 2005): Elio Maraone - Quella Messa senza cronaca: "Giovanni Paolo II invoca ininterrotta solidarietà per le popolazioni colpite dal maremoto nel Sud-Est asiatico, segue con favore «la gara di solidarietà che si sta sviluppando nel mondo», annuncia che «su questo senso di umana solidarietà, oltre che sull'aiuto di Dio, si fonda la speranza di giorni migliori nel corso dell'anno che si apre». Ma, diremmo soprattutto, egli passa la mezzanotte del 31 dicembre 2004 nella sua cappella privata, celebrando la Santa Messa per tutte le vittime del maremoto. È una notte di passaggio inedita e misteriosa, della quale ovviamente non possiamo fare la cronaca. Però osiamo lo stesso immaginarne il clima struggente, l'arcana sospensione fra implorazione e donazione, il dialogo fitto, «a tu per tu», con Chi disse che sarà con noi «tutti i giorni, sino alla fine del mondo». >> MIT technologyreview.com (January 2, 2005): Print Modern Technology, Scope of Tragedy Makes Tsunami Seem Closer to Home - "Globalization is really bringing us together," said Geneva Overholser, a former newspaper editor and journalism professor at the University of Missouri. "The world is really closer. We've been talking about that for a long time, but it seems that this disaster is evidence that it has happened."