Ninguna cuenta tengo que saldar con el autor Arthur Miller.
Ahora, -al enterarme por la referencia que me envía una amigo- tengo una cosa que reclamar a la persona, aun difunta, llamada Arthur Miller: que no quisiera ver ni hacerse cargo de su cuarto hijo, Daniel, nacido con sídrome de Down.
Arthur Miller dejó a Daniel completamente fuera de su vida, durante toda su vida. Ni una palabra. Ni un reconocimiento. Ni una referencia, siquiera en su autobiografía. Shame on him.
Esto puede leerse en Vanity Fair, Arthur Miller's Missing Act:
(...) Only a handful of people in the theater knew that Miller had a fourth child. Those who did said nothing, out of respect for his wishes, because, for nearly four decades, Miller had never publicly acknowledged the existence of Daniel.
He did not mention him once in the scores of speeches and press interviews he gave over the years. He also never referred to him in his 1987 memoir, Timebends. In 2002, Daniel was left out of the New York Times obituary for Miller's wife, the photographer Inge Morath, who was Daniel's mother.
A brief account of his birth appeared in a 2003 biography of Miller by the theater critic Martin Gottfried. But even then Miller maintained his silence. At his death, the only major American newspaper to mention Daniel in its obituary was the Los Angeles Times, which said, "Miller had another son, Daniel, who was diagnosed with Down syndrome shortly after his birth in 1962. It is not known whether he survives his father."
Citing the Gottfried biography, the paper reported that Daniel had been put in an institution, where Miller "apparently never visited him." (...)
Me parece que sé distinguir bien entre el autor y la persona. Pero mantengo lo dicho: shame on him.