Es interesante observar en detalle los resultados de la encuesta y estudio hechos por la ADL en Estados Unidos, a propósito de las actitudes acerca de la religión y los valores morales en los productos de Hollywood.
Algo que, resulta obvio decirlo, viene a ser como estudiar esos temas en un entorno clave para la generación de lugares comunes y mentalidades para la ciudadanía. No sólo estadounidense, sino mundial.
Quizá lo que antes llama la atención es precisamente el primero en figurar entre los resultados del estudio American Attitudes on Religion, Moral Values and Hollywood:
• 61% of Americans say they believe that "Religious values are under attack in this country," while 36% disagree with that statement (graph). 59% agree that "the people who run the TV networks and the major movie studios do not share the religious and moral values of most Americans." And 43% hold the view that Hollywood and the national media are waging an organized campaign to "weaken the influence of religious values in this country." (graph)
• Significantly fewer Americans believe today that Jews control the TV and film industries. The survey showed that 63% disagree with the notion that "the movie and television industries are pretty much run by Jews," while only 22% agree. When ADL conducted its first survey on anti-Semitic attitudes in 1964, nearly half of all Americans believed that the television and film industries were run by Jews. (graph)
• There is surprising support for censorship. Nearly 40% of the American people support the notion that "dangerous ideas should be banned from public school libraries," and nearly the same number of Americans disagree with the statement that "censoring books is an old-fashioned idea." (graph)
La ADL, por si alguien no la conoce, se autodefine así: The Anti-Defamation League, founded in 1913, is the world's leading organization fighting anti-Semitism through programs and services that counteract hatred, prejudice and bigotry.
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