Hay muchas razones para decir y pedir esto.
(...) In less than two decades, the measures of national security have gone from being rational, linear and technological, to random, chaotic and very human.
Those who want to survive need to modernize their toolkit accordingly: More persuasion, less coercion. More prevention, less reaction. More participation, less exclusion. More people, less machines, More life strategies, less death strategies.
Israel, you are better than this. You are not just typical. You have the wisdom of the universe in your borders. You have profound knowledge of why death doesn't fix a problem. You have the USA to help you.
Please, put the gun down. Move away from the gun.
Just. Stop.
(...) Even if you continue to fire on Israel, we will not respond by resuming combat. We will grit our teeth, just as we did in the days and months before our attack. We will not be drawn into using force.
Furthermore, we hereby invite all concerned countries, nearby and distant, to mediate between us and you, in order to reinstate the cease-fire that ended earlier this month. If you also cease hostilities, we will not renew them. If you continue to shoot while we hold ourselves back, we will respond accordingly when the 48 hours end. But even then we will leave the door open to negotiations to re-establish the truce, and even seek a broader agreement.
This should be Israel’s next move. Is it possible, or are we already captives of the all-too-familiar ritual of war? (...)
Por el momento, a estas horas, no es lo que Israel dice. Israel rechaza la tregua de París...
As a Sunni extremist offshoot of the Brotherhood, Hamas' raison d'etre is Israel's destruction -- nothing less will do. Despite my instinctive belief that one should try to negotiate a way out of this dilemma no matter the odds, I have concluded that the only way out of this mess is to separate Hamas' entire military and political leadership from the oppressed citizenry of Gaza (and yes, it is absolutely a mischaracterization of fact to assert that Hamas is the legitimate ruler of Gaza).
Easier said than done you say. But as long as Hamas rules Gaza, no amount of cajoling is going to end the vicious cycle of terror that Hamas is inflicting first and foremost on its own beaten-down Palestinian victims as well as on Israel.
No fácil parar una guerra de exterminio (explícito o implícito), con infinitas diferencias de armamento y de capacidad de suicidio, pero desde luego no es algo imposible para la comunidad internacional.
Si es que aún hay alguna realidad vigente -o capacidad de configurarla ad hoc, en este caso tan especial- que se haga cargo de esta hermosa expresión de "Comunidad Internacional".
Incluso dejando de lado la ONU, institución sistemáticamente desatendida por ambos contendientes en el presente caso.