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03 julio 2009


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Gracias por la noticia, que sorprende comparándola con esta:

Muchas gracias por la noticia "anti-tabaco". En uno de los párrafos de esta autocongratulación por el logro "bi-partisan" de la protección a los chicos contra los peligros del tabaco, el presidente dice algo muy interesante:

"This legislation will not ban all tobacco products, and it will allow adults to make their own choices. But it will also ban tobacco advertising within a thousand feet of schools and playgrounds. It will curb the ability of tobacco companies to market products to our children by using appealing flavors. It will force these companies to more clearly and publicly acknowledge the harmful and deadly effects of the products they sell. And it will allow the scientists at the FDA to take other common-sense steps to reduce the harmful effects of smoking."

Si se sustituye la palabra "tobacco" por "abortion", el resultado es éste:

"This legislation will not ban all abortion products, and it will allow adults to make their own choices. But it will also ban abortion advertising within a thousand feet of schools and playgrounds. It will curb the ability of abortion companies to market products to our children by using appealing flavors. It will force these companies to more clearly and publicly acknowledge the harmful and deadly effects of the products they sell. And it will allow the scientists at the FDA to take other common-sense steps to reduce the harmful effects of abortion."

Es interesante: algo así ya sería síntoma de algo...

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