He tenido la fortuna de recibir de un amable lector la transcripción de la Conferencia de Prensa sobre There Be Dragons, que tuvo lugar hace tiempo (el 29 de octubre 2009) con el director de la película, Roland Joffe, y una de las actrices, Olga Kurylenko.
El sonido de la entrevista (en inglés), desde entonces, está en la red, aquí. Pero, hasta este momento, no estaba disponible la transcripción. Ahora mismo, la transcripción (en inglés) está en esta página de Scriptor.org
Como las preguntas y respuestas son largas, he procurado introducir algunas llamadas a diversos asuntos tratados por Joffe y Kurylenko.
Las llamadas son éstas: la primera, para el texto completo; las numeradas, para secciones sucesivas.
1 -- Joffe: Well, in a way, the project came to me
2 -- Joffe: saintliness could be performed by ordinary people in their ordinary everyday lives
3 -- Joffe: Civil wars are horrendous. But that civil war was particularly important too
4 -- Joffe: Characters - Ildiko, Oriol, Manolo, Josemaría
5 -- Kurylenko: Ildiko - she's not a professional fighter. And she's just a simple girl
6 -- Joffe: Redemption, forgiveness, love: Christianity
7 -- Joffe: Josemaría - he would have been absolutely shocked to think that he would be a saint
8 -- Kurylenko: Ildiko - she's not afraid to look life in the eyes
9 -- Kurylenko: Ildiko - she gets caught in this triangle; she's attracted to the light; she's not attracted to the cowardice
10 -- Joffe: Manolo - in many respects, he's a kind of Judas figure
11 -- Joffe: we're all potential saints. There's no saint who was a saint without struggle. There are many forms of love
12 -- Joffe: I think very few movies dare address the question of the divine
13 -- Kurylenko: this is a movie about forgiving people and loving them in spite of all the cruelty and all the, you know, not perfection that we are all about
14 -- Joffe: the son-father relationship is extremely important
15 -- Roland, are you a puppet in the hands of other forces? - Joffe: Am I a robot manipulated by all those occult behaviorists in Opus Dei who can produce anything that they want?
16 -- Joffe: this film has been independently financed
17 -- What are those core principles that Josemaria introduced that were so new for the Church?
18 -- Kurylenko: Why I think this movie is important for everyone? Because it just treats the most crucial questions, and this movie speaks about love
19 -- Joffe: the Civil War is only half the story. I would be the proudest man in the world if only ten percent of the cinema came out in Spain and thought, “Yeah, reconciliation matters”
20 -- Outside of Spain, how does this film, which is set in a time period a long time ago, relate to today and to things we're facing today?
Me he abstenido de hacer acotaciones o comentarios a lo dicho por los interlocutores. Buena lectura del texto de la conferencia de prensa.